September 30, 2012

Death in Christ

And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.”

Revelation 14:13

            One Sunday morning I was sitting in Sunday school when a girl in my class asked a question that seemed to come out of no where. She asked something along the lines off, “why is it that when people are sick, we are always told to pray for their healing? What if it’s just that person’s time to go?” I pondered that question for a while after that class but didn’t understand its significance until now.
As Christians, we believe that prayer changes things, so in the event of something negative we pray for a positive outcome.  Recently, my family had been dealing with the extreme sickness of a relative. When I was told of the situation I did what I knew I had to do, I prayed for his healing and left the problem at the altar. I didn’t worry too much. He had been sick for a long time but God had allowed him to live years past the expectancy the doctors had put on him and because of this I truly believed that he was going to be ok. Even when my father told me that it wasn’t looking good, I still didn’t fret, I just knew that God was going to fix it. I had already started planning to visit him for thanksgiving, and thinking on the things we would talk about and what we would do together when I did. A few days later, my mother called with more news but it wasn’t the good word that I was expecting.
When I found out that he hadn’t made it I was devastated, dejected and at dismay. That night, upset, I wanted to cry-out to God, asking Him why he hadn’t come through for my family and how He could just take my cousin away, but instead I got on my knees and whole-heartedly prayed for peace of mind and understanding. Down there, meditating on the situation, I thought about my classmate’s question and the answer my Sunday school teacher had given her. She said “death in Christ is the ultimate healing.” This brings me to the scripture above. When someone passes there is reason to mourn them because we are going to miss them but when they pass in Christ there is also reason to rejoice because they no longer have to deal with the cares of this wicked world. At the end of the day, they have achieved what we, as saints, are striving for, which is to be in heaven with God.
To my family and to families who’s love ones have gone home to be with the Lord, don’t think that your prayers were in vain and don’t believed that healing never came because, although it may not have been in the way we expected, it did. We must understand that His ways are not our ways and His will is more perfect than any ‘flawless’ plan we could have come up with. God is still good. He was our loved ones healer and now He will surely be our comforter. Take heed in this scripture: “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Psalms 30:5).
Stay positive and stay prayerful.  God Bless.


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